For Ladies

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Saunas - Home Saunas,Sauna Heater

Saunas - Home Saunas,Sauna Heater: "Bathing in saunas and steam rooms
is all about bathing in heat and steam and the fundamental differences between them are the amount of moisture present in the air and the temperature. Essentially, the heat in the sauna is a dry heat while the heat in the steam room is a wet heat. With both sauna and steam room, relaxation is the keynote. As soon as you step into your steam room or sauna, the warmth opens the pores of the skin, creating a flow of perspiration lifting out the grime of everyday life. Your skin is cleansed and toned leaving it feeling soft, supple and healthy and you emerge rested and rejuvenated, ready to take on the world and all it can throw at you."


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